Volume between DTMs

Generate volumes between two intersecting DTMs

Volume between DTMs

To access this dialog:

Outputs a closed wireframe describing the volume between the Upper and Lower DTMs.

Unlike the wireframe-under-surface or wireframe-under-surface-intersecting commands, both cut and fill volumes will be created with this command.

This dialog runs the Wireframe Volume between intersecting DTMs command

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

Volumes will be created where there is a clear and closed line of intersection between the two surfaces (no checks will be made to validate this, which is why the command is so quick, but watch out for unexpected results if there is no clear intersection).

A new object will be created (with a "Between:" name prefix) containing volumes both above and below the input surfaces. As such, it doesn't matter which of the objects is selected as the Upper DTM or Lower DTM.

One or more closed volumes will be generated. Disable an output precludes that surface data from the output object.

Field Details:

This dialog contains the following fields:

Upper DTM: the open surface representing the 'top' of the resulting volume. You can choose an object using the drop down list or choose to use Selected triangles (in which case, you must commit them to the command using the corresponding Store current selection button).

If required, you can choose triangle data whilst the Volume Between DTMs dialog is open.

You can also pre-verify your input object (recommended).

Lower DTM: the open surface representing the 'bottom' of the resulting volume (strictly speaking, the output will be the same no matter which order you select your DTMs). As above, you can choose an object using the drop down list or commit a selection of wireframe triangles.

Output: you can output the calculated closed volume either within the Current object, an existing wireframe object (pick it from the list) or a new object (type a new name).

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


wireframe-under-surface-intersectingSelecting Wireframe Data